iGaming Group Makes Donation to Children’s Dreams Malta

At iGaming Group, we strive to give back to our local communities, whenever we can.
Aside from being part of our CSR initiatives, giving back aligns with our core company values. Therefore, we jump on opportunities where we can make a meaningful difference. Be it animal charities, gofundme’s, or local initiatives.
Recently, we upgraded some equipment in our Malta office, which led to a surplus of monitors and laptops simply not being used. Rather than binning them, or selling them, we said, why not give them to an organisation on the island that would certainly put them to good use?
So, that’s exactly what we did. The chosen organisation was Children’s Dreams, Malta, whose mission is to make Christmas wishes come true for the children facing social and financial difficulty, as well as children being raised in Children’s Homes. As well as that, they support other initiatives such as Children’s Funds, a foundation for Social Welfare services.
While Children’s Dream – Malta is part of a worldwide organization that focuses on fulfilling Christmas wishes, they also collect donations all year round which enables social workers to better help the kids.
We’re delighted to know our equipment was a welcome addition at Children’s Dreams HQ where staff are busy working to fulfil Christmas wishes for this year.
Shoutout to all iGG employees who donated personal items, like toys and keyboards, upon hearing about the equipment donation!
We’re looking forward to getting involved in more CSR activities before the year is out, like our annual charity auction coming up at the end of this year.